MP4: 2D and Android

As we have learned previously, computers are frequently used to transform and analyze data. And an increasing amount of that data is multi-dimensional: including both photo and video data. People are taking a huge amount of photos and video, and processing that data is almost entirely done on or by computers.

For MP4 you’ll be working with two-dimensional photo pixel data as you complete the image transformations for a simple Android photo editing app. MP4 is the first of two Android assignments to prepare you for your final project. But our focus is still on data transformation and strengthening your existing programming abilities.

MP4 is due Monday 10/29/2018 @ 5PM. To receive full credit, you must submit by this deadline. In addition, 10% of your grade on MP4 is for submitting code that earns at least 50 points by Monday 10/22/2018 @ 5PM.

As usual, late submissions will be subject to the MP late submission policy.

1. Learning Objectives

The purpose of MP4 is to introduce you to data transformation and Android development. You’ll begin to learn how to:

  1. implement various image transformations by performing transformations on 2D arrays

  2. avoid writing repetitive code by identifying similarities between various transformations

  3. work with existing object classes

We’ll also introduce you to the structure of a simple Android app, and you’ll get practice modifying its UI to reflect the results of your image transformations.

We’ll also continue to reinforce the learning objectives from previous MPs (0, 1, 2, and 3).

2. Assignment Structure

Unlike previous MPs, MP4 is split into two pieces:

  • /lib/: a library that performs various image transformations. This library is the only part of the MP tested by the test suite.

  • /app/: an Android app for you to use for your own interactive testing. The Android app is almost complete, but needs a few modifications from you. And, to work correctly, you need to finish the library in lib.

Your primary job is to complete the required transformations in These make use of a pixel class defined in These functions are called by the app and, once you complete them, your app will be almost completely functional—and we’ll be happy to help you with the rest.

As always, you may find our official MP4 online documentation helpful in understanding what each function and class is supposed to do.

2.1. Obtaining MP4

Note that we are using Android Studio for MP4. If you haven’t set it up yet, start here and return when you’re done.

Once you have Android Studio installed, use this GitHub Classroom invitation link to fork your copy of MP4. Once your repository has been created, import it into Android Studio following our assignment Git workflow guide. The screencast above provides an overview of this process after you have Android Studio correctly installed.

2.2. Your Goal

At this point you should be familiar with the requirements from previous MPs. See the grading description below.

3. Approaching MP4

All of our previous advice about how to approach the CS 125 MPs still applies. But MP4 has some unique features that are designed to continue your development as computer scientists and software developers.

3.1. Package Declarations

Because MP4 is an Android app it requires a new code organization concept that we haven’t discussed in lecture yet: Java packages. Happily, this is not at all complicated. Simply duplicate the package edu.illinois.cs.cs125.mp4.lib line from in once you create that file and everything will work properly. We’ll discuss this more soon.

3.2. Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY)

Whenever you write software, you should try to adhere to the DRY principle: don’t repeat yourself.

What does this mean? It means that you should try to avoid writing duplicative code—multiple functions (or parts of the same function) that perform identical tasks.

Consider the fact that any computer program could be written as one giant function and with no subroutines at all 1. But the result would be awful, since any time the program needed to repeat a task it would have to repeat the code needed to accomplish that task. And any time you fixed a bug in one part of the code, you’d have to find every other identical part and fix the bug there as well. Code like this quickly becomes impossible to understand, test, debug, and improve—and will also make it hard to keep a job.

At first glance, MP4 may seem daunting. You have 12 functions to write! And yes, you can complete MP4 by writing 12 separate independent functions.

But there is a much smarter way to approach MP4. As a hint, the solution set consists of only 4 real functions—with the rest just calling into this much smaller set of helper functions. The reason is that many of the transformations perform similar operations. For example, a shift down is similar to a shift up, as well as a shift left and a shift right. So rather than writing four separate extremely-similar functions, I can write a slightly more complicate generic shift function and have it called by all of the others.

There is a balance here that requires practice to get right. Trying to reduce the needs of 12 different functions to one single method produces overly-complicate and brittle code. But writing them all separately misses opportunities to harness common subroutines. You’ll get better at this with practice, and MP4 is a good chance to get some. So do not implement 12 separate transformation functions, but also do not attempt to implement one function that does everything. There are some natural groupings that you will probably be able to identify.

3.3. Understand Your Coordinate System

If you are used to working with the coordinate plane in mathematics, the canvas coordinate system can take some getting used to. In particular:

  1. (0, 0) is at the top left, not the bottom left.

  2. Increasing Y values move the image down, not up—keep this in mind when implementing shiftUp and shiftDown.

  3. Increasing X values move the image to the right, which matches the mathematical coordinate system.

Another important pitfall is that the that way that two-dimensional arrays in Java are initialized does not match up with this coordinate system. So, for example, this static array:

int[][] myArray = {
  { 1, 2 },
  { 3, 4 }

corresponds to this image array:





We suggest that you do not try to interpret the statically initialized arrays in the test suite directly. Instead, use the output from RGBAPixel helper methods, which is correctly formatted.

3.3.1. Centering

Understanding the coordinate system is also important when centering the image around (0, 0), which you need to do to implement the rotate, flip, and resize transformations. This is probably one of the trickier parts of MP4, so think it through carefully.

It is helpful to work some simple examples. For example, consider vertically flipping a 2x2 array. In our coordinate system, the coordinate values of the pixels in the array would be:

(0, 0)

(1, 0)

(0, 1)

(1, 1)

Note that these are the coordinate values, not the pixel contents. In order to flip the array properly, we need to adjust the coordinate values as follows:

(-0.5, -0.5)

(0.5, -0.5)

(-0.5, 0.5)

(0.5, 0.5)

At this point I can swap either the X or Y values and achieve either a horizontal or vertical flip around the origin. There is only one problem—Java can’t use double types as array indices. So we need to do this transformation on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Roughly, here is the approach. For each pixel in the original image:

  1. Center the pixel

  2. Determine how to transform it to a new location in the transformed image

  3. Undo the centering transformation

  4. Move data from the original image to the transformed image

Once you have a centering procedure that works, you can use it for the rotations, flips, expands, and shrinks. But this is one of the tougher parts of the assignment, so you might want to start with the parts that don’t require centering: position shifts, color shifts, green screen and the mystery function.

3.3.2. Shrinking and expanding

As a final note about coordinates, please consider carefully how to implement the shrink and expand transformations. Specifically, if I start with this 2x6 array (with pixel values shown):













and expand it horizontally by a factor of 3, this is the correct result:













But it is easy to get this instead:













You will want to think about this carefully. As a hint, instead of starting with the original array and trying to figure out where each pixel goes in the transformed array, you may want to start with the transformed array and calculate where each pixel should come from. Also keep in mind that simply casting a double to an integer does not round the value properly. So (int) doubleValue != Math.round(doubleValue).

Finally, note that shrinking is not tested by the test suite. You can feel free to implement it to get your web interface to work like the solution, but it will not affect your score.

3.3.3. Testing diff helper

You will notice that the RGBAPixel class defines a not very helpful static method to show the difference between two photo arrays. You should feel free to improve this method so that it is more useful during your debugging.

3.4. Getting Help

The course staff is ready and willing to help you every step of the way! Please come to office hours, or post on the forum when you need help. You should also feel free to help each other, as long as you do not violate the academic integrity requirements.

3.5. Identifying Test Errors

Because of how we have set up MP4, errors present themselves a bit differently. The screencast above shows you how to identify errors caused by problems with your code when the test suite runs.

In addition, our original Fall 2018 MP4 distribution configured checkstyle to fail the entire build if checkstyle fails. This is not how the grader works and may not be what you want. To change that, correct the checkstyle block in lib/build.gradle so that it looks like this:

checkstyle {
    ignoreFailures = true
    toolVersion "8.12"
    checkstyleTest.enabled = false
    configFile = new File(rootDir, "config/checkstyle.xml")

4. Android

Android is a Java-based framework for building smartphone apps that run on the Android platform. By learning how to build Android apps, your programs can have enormous impact. As of a year ago, Google estimated that there were 2 billion active Android devices. That’s over 25% of people on Earth—and several times more than iOS.

However, Android is also a huge and complex system. It’s easy to feel lost when you are getting started. Our best advice is to just slow down, take a deep breath, and try to understand a bit of what is going on at a time. We’ll try to walk you through a few of the salient bits for MP4 below. Google also maintains a great set of tutorials on beginning Android development.

Note that you will use Android for MP4 and MP5 and for your final project, so put in some time to familiarizing yourself with it now. It’s simply the best way to build exciting things in Android—programs that you can share with your friends and family.

4.1. Logging

Like any other computer program, an important part of developing on Android is generating debugging output. On Android, our familiar System.out.println doesn’t quite work the same way we’re used to.

However, Android has a simple yet powerful logging system. Unlike System.out.println, logging systems allow you to specify multiple log levels indicating the kind of output that you are generating. This allows you to distinguish between, for example, debugging output that might only be useful during development and a warning message that might indicate a more serious problem or failure. The Android logger also allows you to attach a String tag to each message to help separate them when you are debugging or developing. So the final syntax of the call to generate a debugging message, for example, is Log.d(TAG, message).

For more information, watch the screencast above or review Android’s official logging documentation.

Do you need to know this to complete MP4? Probably, since you need to determine what you app is doing or how things are going wrong.

4.2. Activitys

The Android Activity class corresponds to a single screen that the user can interact with. Our simple app contains only one activity, but most apps consist of several: maybe an activity corresponding to the app’s main screen, another for a settings dialog, and still others for other parts of the app.

As you might expect, there are two important moments for an activity: when it appears on the screen, and when it leaves the screen. Android provides functions that you can override to handle both of these events: onCreate and onPause. It is typical for on onCreate method to perform tasks required to make the activity ready for a user to use, such as configuring buttons and other UI elements.

For more information watch the screencast above or review Android’s official Activity information.

Do you need to know this to complete MP4? No. But you may be confused by the overall app structure if you don’t review it.

4.3. UI Events

Why does code in your app run? In many cases it’s because a user interacted with an activity—clicked a button, entered text into a dialog box, or adjusted an on-screen control. Android provides a way for each app to register handlers than run when various user interface (UI) events take place.

Our app uses these to:

  • start the open file dialog

  • start the process of capturing an image from the camera

  • open the download file input box

  • initiate various image transformations

In the screencast on Android Activitys above we show how elements of the user interface are linked programmatically to each specific action.

Do you need to know this to complete MP4? No. But it will be hard to understand how your app works without reviewing it.

4.4. Asynchronous Tasks

One of the core goals of every application, including smartphone apps, is to maintain a responsive user interface. If your app freezes for long periods of time, or even short ones, users will quickly stop using it.

Android accomplishes this by delegating certain slow operations to so-called background tasks. They then run independently of the user interface. So your app can be simultaneously responding to new user input and, for example, downloading a large file.

This is an advanced topic and not one that we expect you to master on this MP or even on future ones. But you will need to make small changes to to complete MP4, so learn more by watching the screencast above. Our MP4 app uses two background tasks: one to download files and save them to local storage, the second to run your image transformation functions.

Do you need to know this to complete MP4? Yes! There are some missing pieces in waiting for you to complete.

4.5. Putting It All Together

Finally, the screencast above provides a brief overview of how your app should work once you are done. You can do it! Good luck.

5. Grading

MP4 is worth 100 points total, broken down as follows:

  1. 80 points:

    • 20 points for completing the position shift transformations

    • 20 points for completing the rotation and flip transformations

    • 20 points for completing the expand transformations

    • 20 points for completing the green screen transformation

  2. 10 points for no checkstyle violations

  3. 10 points for submitting code that earns at least 50 points before Monday 10/22/2018 @ 5PM.

5.1. Test Cases

As in previous MPs, we have provided exhaustive test cases for each part of MP4. Please review the MP0 testing instructions.

5.2. Autograding

Like previous MPs we have provided you with an autograding script that you can use to estimate your current grade as often as you want. Please review the MP0 autograding instructions.

6. Submitting Your Work

Follow the instructions from the submitting portion of the CS 125 workflow instructions.

And remember, you must submit something that earns 50 points before Monday 10/22/2018 @ 5PM to earn 10 points on the assignment.

6.1. Academic Integrity

Here’s an example of the training that the CS 125 course staff undertakes to make sure we catch cheaters:

CS 125 is now CS 124

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