Final Project Demos

Today is our last lab for this semester, and your chance to demo your final project. The course staff will review your project according to our MP5 grading criteria. In addition, your lab should choose two projects to promote at the final project fair: one by a group of beginners, and a second by any group without restrictions.

1. Demos (110 Minutes)

The entirety of today’s lab will be spent demoing your final project. If you haven’t yet, please use this form to submit information about your project: a link to your YouTube video, a link to your GitHub repository, and a team name for the final project fair (if you are participating).

1.1. Most Impressive Projects

Your TA and course staff will help your lab choose two most impressive projects: one done by a team of beginners, and a second done by anyone. These will be invited to a special area at the project fair. Remember that if one of your lab’s projects wins at the project fair, your entire lab earns 1% extra credit!

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Created 10/24/2021
Updated 10/24/2021
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Built 10/24/2021 @ 21:29 EDT