CS 125 Tech Stack

CS 125 uses a variety of standard and innovative technologies to teach computer science to hundreds of students. Here we provide an overview of the CS 125 tech stack, while linked pages provide more details about certain components.

New Ideas (Ongoing Always)

We’re always working to use technology to make CS 125 even better. At any given point we usually have (far) more ideas to try to implement than we have time to experiment with them, so we’re always looking for help. To read more about new development ideas, click here.

CS 125 App (New Fall 2018)

Our CS 125 App tracks the proximity of course staff and students to known course locations like office hours and Geoff’s office (Siebel 2227). The cross-platform app is built using React Native, with a Redux store for local state management and Meteor for remote state management.

IntelliJ Plugin (New Fall 2018)

The CS 125 IntelliJ Plugin records the progress of CS 125 students as they complete the course assignments (MPs). The data it generates allows us to ensure that the MPs are at the appropriate difficulty level while also providing insights into beginning programming development processes. It also simplifies the process of launching our Gradle autograding plugin.

CS 125 is now CS 124

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Created 10/24/2021
Updated 10/24/2021
Commit a44ff35 // History // View
Built 10/24/2021 @ 21:29 EDT