Provide Feedback

Use the form below to provide anonymous feedback on any and all aspects of CS 125.

Do you like something? Let us know! Could something be better? Let us know. Want a certain topic or concept to be covered in class? Let us know!

Responses are completely anonymous. Constructive feedback may receive a response on the forum. If you don’t want us to excerpt part of your response in order to reply to it, please say so. If you want an individualized response, feel free to request this and include your email address in your reply. However, if you’re a current student it’s best to simply send a private message on the forum, or post in the forum feedback category anonymously as well.

Feedback Form

As a reminder, responses are completely anonymous. We look forward to hearing from you!

CS 125 is now CS 124

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Created 10/24/2021
Updated 10/24/2021
Commit a44ff35 // History // View
Built 10/24/2021 @ 21:29 EDT