This Semester By The Numbers
4 Head CAs
8 TAs
5 Office Hour Captains
5 Course Associates
108 Course Assistants
15 Course Developers
Dozens of helpful fellow students
But Let’s Talk About You
And how much you did this semester.
40 classes
831 slides (not including the 11AM classes)
8,055 total class attendance (down due to the pandemic)
Over 300,000 minutes watched on YouTube (up due to the pandemic)
1,828,860 slide views
Number of students who never attended class: 2
Forum: Students
2,899 topics and 10,754 posts
72,516 topic entrances and 283,971 post reads
1,962 hours spent reading forum content
3,454 likes given
Forum: Staff
137,211 topic entrances and 509,490 post reads
3,788 hours spent reading forum content
20,148 likes given
15,622 graded commits from 11,596 submissions
22,144 autograder runs and 89,046 test suite runs
265,886 failed test cases and 235,406 successful ones
4,662,568 added or modified lines of code 1.
9,885 estimated hours spent working in Android Studio
158 homework and exam programming problems
8,789 lines of testing code
17,136 hours of work on the homework problems, including 2,931 on the ungraded practice problems
433,644 submissions on the lab, quiz, exam, and homework programming problems…
…containing 7,655,260 (!!!) lines of non-commenting code!
Which is roughly 19,138 lines of code per student (!!!).
Homework: Pain and Glory
And the bugs. Oh, the bugs…
433,644 programming problem submissions, resulting in…
errors, -
153,930 compilation errors,
136,260 testing errors,
leaving 68,401 correct submissions.
// Of which -9,113 were perfect.
But That Means
So when you don’t succeed, try, try, try, try, again.
You Worked Really Hard To Get Here
Don’t forget it. That’s what it takes. So don’t stop!
What Now?
Downstream Courses
CS 126: If you are able to enroll in CS 126, good luck and have fun…
~CS 126: …but that’s like a handful of you. So if you can’t take CS 126, please do something to be able to continue programming: CS 196, CS 125 CA, side projects, whatever.
If you take 9 months off and then show up in CS 225 you will struggle
CS 199 KT: Learn Kotlin
I’ll be teaching a one credit-hour course on Kotlin programming next semester.
> Click or hit Control-Enter to run the code above
Become a CA!
Please consider becoming a CA for Fall 2020! Learn more and sign up here.
You’ll learn an enormous amount.
And it’s fun.
Spirit of CS 125 Award
Given to students who embody the core principles of CS 125: community, practice, and determination.
An ICES Story Part I: Fall 2018
Your feedback matters. Really.
An ICES Story Part II: Spring 2019
Your feedback matters. Really!
An ICES Story Part III: Fall 2019
Your feedback matters. I mean it!
An ICES Story Part VI: Spring 20202
Your feedback matters. I mean it!
Final project grades are appearing in the grading portal as they are entered. Please check everything at that point!
Preliminary letter grades are appearing on the grading site.
Final Questions?
Thank You
Goodbye and Good Luck
Go forth and build good things.