This Semester By The Numbers
12 TAs
12 course developers
100 CAs
Dozens of helpful fellow students
But Let’s Talk About You
And how much you did this semester.
40 lectures
155 pre-lecture songs
1,263 slides
21,724 total lecture attendance
198,152 minutes watched on YouTube
9,996,130 slide views
Number of students who never attended lecture: 8
Number of students who attended every lecture 1: 5
7 MPs 2
34,030 graded commits from 21,442 submissions
78,883 autograder runs and 105,602 test suite runs 3
406,028 failed test cases and 247,970 successful ones
711,429 added or modified lines of code 4
13,192 estimated hours spent working in IntelliJ 5
108 homework and exam programming problems
8,964 lines of testing code
26,629 hours of practice on the homework problems, including 8,967 on the ungraded practice problems
1,010,725 submissions on the quiz and homework programming problems…
…containing 12,585,514 (!!!) lines of non-commenting code!
Which is roughly 14,000 lines of code per student.
5,987 topics and 24,279 posts
550,919 topic entrances and 2,130,995 post reads
10,812 hours spent reading forum content
15,911 likes given
You Worked Really Hard To Get Here
Don’t forget it. That’s what it takes. So don’t stop!
What Now?
Downstream Courses
CS 126: if you are able to enroll in CS 126, good luck and have fun 6!
~CS 126: if you can’t take CS 126, please do something to be able to continue programming: CS 196, CS 125 CA, side projects, whatever.
If you take 9 months off and then show up in CS 225 you will struggle
Become a CA!
Please consider becoming a CA for Spring 2019! Learn more and sign up here.
You’ll learn an enormous amount.
And it’s fun.
Course Evaluations
We take your feedback very seriously. We want CS 125 to improve every semester.
Unfortunately the paper forms are slow and the boxes are small, so…
We’re also distributing an online survey today that mimics the ICES forms.
Please complete it and the papers forms! That way we can get your feedback right away and at more length.
Also don’t miss the top two boxes on the form—they are squished together for some reason.
An ICES Story
Your feedback matters. Really.
Final Questions?
Thank You
The project fair is tomorrow at 5PM in Siebel. Instructions to follow tonight or early tomorrow if you have signed up.
We’ll be adding the final project grades to the grading portal today and fair extra credit today or tomorrow. Please check everything at that point!
Letter grades will be done early next week.
I’ll hold my usual office hours today but may start a bit late.
Goodbye and Good Luck
Go forth and build good things.