> Click or hit Control-Enter to run Example.main above
Review: Algorithm Analysis
Algorithm analysis: the determination of the computational complexity of algorithms, that is the amount of time, storage and/or other resources necessary to execute them.
Review: At The Limit
We’re usually want to analyze an algorithm in the general case, rather than for a specific set of input.
How does the algorithm perform on arbitrarily difficult or large inputs?
What are the best, average, and worst-case running times?
How is the algorithm’s performance related to its inputs?
Review: Big-O Notation
Big-O notation is a mathematical notation that describes the limiting behavior of a function when the argument tends towards a particular value or infinity.
Put another way: we want to estimate what happens as the problem gets really, really hard.
Review: Big-O Notation

What you have been building on the last few homework problems is a more general data structure called a list.
Lists are an ordered 1 data structure that allow us to:
Get and set values at any index (like an array)
Add or remove values at any index (this is new)
Lists are one of the two data structures you meet in heaven—maps are the other and we’ll get to them in a few weeks
Data Structure Tradeoffs
Depending on how we structure data different implementations of the same interface can have different performance characteristics.
We’ll start by looking at this with lists
Lists that store items using arrays have fast (O(1)) lookups but slow (O(n)) modifications
Lists that store items using linked lists have slow lookups (O(n)) but some insertions are fast (O(1))
Both also present different memory usage tradeoffs
Our List Interface
interface SimpleList {
/** Get the object at this index. */
public Object get(int index);
/** Set the object at this index to the passed element. */
public void set(int index, Object element);
/** Add the object at the specified location in the list. */
public void add(int index, Object element);
/** Remove and return the object at the specified location in the list. */
public Object remove(int index);
/** Return the number of elements in the list. */
public int size();
(The official Java one contains a bunch of convenience methods that we don’t want.)
> Click or hit Control-Enter to run Example.main above
Operation Performance
Operation | ArrayList |
O(1) |
O(n) |
Time v. Space Tradeoffs
We can make our insertions and removals a bit faster but not copying the entire array each time. How?
Maintain an array that is larger than we need
When we need more space, get a lot more at once
To add or remove just shift items around within the existing array
Note that add and removals are still O(n/2), so O(n)—but not having to allocate memory every time will help
The tradeoff: we will usually have wasted space within our array
Questions About Array Lists?
Another Option: Linked Lists
public class Item {
private Object value;
private Item next;
Item(Object setValue, Item setNext) {
value = setValue;
next = setNext;
Another Option: Linked Lists
public class Item {
private Object value;
private Item next;
Item(Object setValue, Item setNext) {
value = setValue;
next = setNext;
Item items = new Item((Integer) 0, null);
Another Option: Linked Lists
public class Item {
private Object value;
private Item next;
Item(Object setValue, Item setNext) {
value = setValue;
next = setNext;
Item items = new Item((Integer) 0, null);
items = new Item((Integer) 8, items);
Another Option: Linked Lists
public class Item {
private Object value;
private Item next;
Item(Object setValue, Item setNext) {
value = setValue;
next = setNext;
Item items = new Item((Integer) 0, null);
items = new Item((Integer) 8, items);
items = new Item((Integer) 5, items);
Another Option: Linked Lists
interface SimpleList {
public Object get(int index);
public void set(int index, Object element);
public void add(int index, Object element);
public Object remove(int index);
public int size();
public class SimpleLinkedList implements SimpleList {
class Item {
Object value;
Item next;
Item(Object setValue, Item setNext) {
value = setValue;
next = setNext;
private Item start;
Java Inner Classes
public class SimpleLinkedList {
class Item {
Object value;
Item next;
Item(Object setValue, Item setNext) {
value = setValue;
next = setNext;
In Java we can define a class inside another class.
The example above is known as a nested inner class.
Unlike outer classes, inner classes can be private.
Inner class methods have access to methods and variables in their enclosing class even if they are marked private.
Here we’re using an inner class because the
class should not be visible outside of theSimpleLinkedList
> Click or hit Control-Enter to run Example.main above
: addToFront
public class SimpleLinkedList {
private Item start;
public void addToFront(Object value) {
start = new Item(value, start);
What is n—or what feature drives performance? The length of the list.
What is the performance of
? O(1): constant time!
Wow! What’s the catch?
(There’s always a catch.)
: get
public class SimpleLinkedList {
private Item start;
public void addToFront(Object value) {
start = new Item(value, start);
public Object get(int index) {
// This should be easy...
: get
public class SimpleLinkedList {
public Object get(int index) {
// until I get to the index
// follow each Item to the next
SimpleLinkedList list = new SimpleLinkedList();
list.addToFront((Integer) 1);
: get
public class SimpleLinkedList {
public Object get(int index) {
// until I get to the index
// follow each Item to the next
SimpleLinkedList list = new SimpleLinkedList();
list.addToFront((Integer) 1);
list.addToFront((Integer) 2);
: get
public class SimpleLinkedList {
public Object get(int index) {
// until I get to the index
// follow each Item to the next
SimpleLinkedList list = new SimpleLinkedList();
list.addToFront((Integer) 1);
list.addToFront((Integer) 2);
list.addToFront((Integer) 3);
: get
public class SimpleLinkedList {
public Object get(int index) {
// until I get to the index
// follow each Item to the next
SimpleLinkedList list = new SimpleLinkedList();
list.addToFront((Integer) 1);
list.addToFront((Integer) 2);
list.addToFront((Integer) 3);
: get
public class SimpleLinkedList {
public Object get(int index) {
// until I get to the index
// follow each Item to the next
SimpleLinkedList list = new SimpleLinkedList();
list.addToFront((Integer) 1);
list.addToFront((Integer) 2);
list.addToFront((Integer) 3);
: get
public class SimpleLinkedList {
public Object get(int index) {
// until I get to the index
// follow each Item to the next
SimpleLinkedList list = new SimpleLinkedList();
list.addToFront((Integer) 1);
list.addToFront((Integer) 2);
list.addToFront((Integer) 3);
: get
public class SimpleLinkedList {
public Object get(int index) {
// until I get to the index
// follow each Item to the next
SimpleLinkedList list = new SimpleLinkedList();
list.addToFront((Integer) 1);
list.addToFront((Integer) 2);
list.addToFront((Integer) 3);
: get
public class SimpleLinkedList {
public Object get(int index) {
// until I get to the index
// follow each Item to the next
SimpleLinkedList list = new SimpleLinkedList();
list.addToFront((Integer) 1);
list.addToFront((Integer) 2);
list.addToFront((Integer) 3);
Questions About Lists?
I now have office hours MWF from 10AM–12PM in Siebel 2227. Please stop by!
Remember to provide feedback on the course using the anonymous feedback form.
I’ve started to respond to existing feedback on the forum.