Exam AMA
Final Project Fair
A reminder that our inaugural CS 125 Final Project Fair is tomorrow (5/3/2018) from 4–6PM in Siebel. 1% extra credit for participating.
Judging is from 4–5:15PM, meaning that you should be set up and ready to go at 4PM.
There will be pizza from Papa Dells courtesy of GWA, Inc.
There will be awards at 5:30PM in Siebel 1404.
Become a CA!
Please consider becoming a CA for Fall 2018. Sign up here.
You’ll learn an enormous amount.
And it’s fun.
Exam Format
180 points total, which should help you allocate your time
30 1-point multiple choice questions, similar to those at the start of most quizzes (30 points)
30 2-point multiple choice questions, similar to those at the end of many exams (60 points)
Note that there will be no second guesses on the multiple choice questions
6–8 programming questions covering arrays, lists, trees, recursion, objects, class design, sorting, exceptions, and any other appropriate programming topics (90 points)
Exam Grading
Most of the grading will be done automatically
In many cases there will be multiple versions of each programming questions, and you’ll be assigned one randomly
Different question variants are being designed to have the same difficulty level, but we’ll look at the aggregate scores and adjust as needed
Quiz Topics
Variables, Conditionals, Loops
Arrays, Functions, Strings
More Functions and Multi-Dimensional Arrays
Introduction to Objects
Objects II
Polymorphism and References
Runtime and Lists
Trees and Recursion
Internet and Web
Web APIs and Imports
Hashing and Exceptions
Exam Questions?
Three Cheers for the Course Staff!
Goodbye and Good Luck
Go forth and build good things.
MP7 (the final project) is out. Start wrapping up—demos are this week and the fair is Thursday.
The anonymous feedback form remains available on the course website. Use it to give us feedback!
My office hours continue today at 11AM in the lounge outside of Siebel 0226.