Imperative Finale
> Click or hit Control-Enter to run the code above
If you want to force Java to convert a variable from one type to another you can try applying a cast.
int i = 10;
double d = i; // This works since no information is lost
i = d; // This does not work since we'd have to throw out the fraction
i = (int) d; // But we can force Java to do it
> Click or hit Control-Enter to run the code above
Most Common Character
Imagine I have a string and want to determine which character appears most.
Write a function that returns the most common character.
What’s Our Algorithm?
Searching is OK
(Just don’t search for or use "Solution to CS 125 MP2".)
> Click or hit Control-Enter to run the code above
Quiz 3 starts today in the CBTF. It covers multi-dimensional arrays and more about functions.
TC 7 will be out shortly and due Sunday by midnight.
MP2 is due today! Office hours until 5PM today.
MP3 will be out today and due in two weeks. It’s your introduction to object-oriented programming, so don’t expect to begin it until next Monday when we start talking about objects.